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Election '99 - Will's Log
SC Student's Council / SC-E Student's Council Executive / SC-R Student's Council Representatives / V Valedictorian / GC Graduating Class Executive
See the winners of Grade 10 Representative from Bedford Junior High. (SC-R)
See the candidates for Grade 10 Representatives from Bedford Junior High. (SC-R)
See the winner of Grade 10 Representative from Tantalon Junior High. (SC-R)
See the winners of Graduating Class Executive. (GC)
See the winner of Valedictorian. (V)
See the winners for Student's Council Grade 11 & 12 Representatives. (SC-R)
See the candidates for Graduating Class Executive. (GC)
See the candidates for Valedictorian. (V)
See the candidates for Student's Council Grade 11 & 12 Representatives. (SC-R)
See the winners of Student's Council Executive. (SC-E)
See my plans to move this website sometime soon.
See an important Vice-President candidacy change. (SC-E)
See the gender ratios for past Councils. (SC)
See the candidates for Student's Council Executive. (SC-E)
See the Election '99 campaign dates. (SC)

Yes, this is the unofficial unbiased log-book of CPA Election '99!! This is where we have this HUGE popularity con- uh....., democratic election of  representatives (and other kinds of people...) to our Student's Council and Class of '99 Executive / Valedictorian! The campaign started on Monday, April 19th, 1999! This is your best source for up to the minute information and results as the campaign cranks on until we have a snowy day in April! (wait a sec...) So we hope you'll stay with us here at A View from the Solarium! I have a good feeling about this years' Council election... the candidates will be closer to my age, for example.

Wednesday, June 30th, 1999 - DAY FORTY-FIVE
        Wednesday stay in bed
        Wow. I guess in all this time I was sleeping and totally missed the Grade 10 Reps from George P. Vanier. But they're out in the sticks, so who cares? By the way, you can read about June 24th through early July in detail by reading this new essay!

Tuesday, June 29th, 1999 - DAY FORTY-FOUR

Friday, June 25th, 1999 - DAY FORTY-THREE
        it's Friday I'm in love

Thursday, June 24th, 1999 - DAY FORTY-TWO
        Thursday doesn't even start

Thursday, June 17th, 1999 - DAY FORTY-ONE
        This is insane. I should have got the rest of the results long ago, but I've been too lazy as of late. I'll get them though... someday! Oh, and another thing I should tell you about... well, let's just say someone picked the wrong moment to douse me with a fire extinguisher...

Wednesday, June 16th, 1999 - DAY FORTY
        Wednesday heart attack

Tuesday, June 15th, 1999 - DAY THIRTY-NINE

Monday, June 14th, 1999 - DAY THIRTY-EIGHT
        Mark Wolf sent me the winners from Bedford Junior High (thanks, Mark!):

The Grade 10 Reps from Bedford Junior High:
    Sarah MacPherson
    Michael Bathurst

Friday, June 11th, 1999 - DAY THIRTY-SEVEN
        it's Friday I'm in love

Thursday, June 10th, 1999 - DAY THIRTY-SIX
        Thursday I don't care about you

Wednesday, June 9th, 1999 - DAY THIRTY-FIVE
        and Wednesday too

Tuesday, June 8th, 1999 - DAY THIRTY-FOUR
        Tuesday's gray

Monday, June 7th, 1999 - DAY THIRTY-THREE
        I don't care if Monday's blue

Friday, June 4th, 1999 - DAY THIRTY-TWO
        The Tantalon elections are over, Bedford released a list of candidates, and George P. Vanier has yet to fax Ms. MacKenzie:

The Grade 10 Rep from Tantalon Junior High:
        Josh McKay

The candidates from Bedford Junior High:
        Michael Bathurst
        Lauren Bryson
        Hayley Christian
        Krystina Colicchio
        Nikki Crawford
        Nitya Das
        Elise Dolente
        Jerad Gallinger
        Jacob JeBailey
        Sarah MacPherson
        Karen McNeil
        Bassam Mothana
        Nadia Shahin

Thursday, June 3rd, 1999 - DAY THIRTY-ONE
        Zzzzzzz... mmf? Grade 10 Reps probably already picked? huh? ahh? ... talk to Ms. MacKenzie?... oggh... Zzzzzzz...

Wednesday, June 2nd, 1999 - DAY THIRTY
        Boy, the Pep Rally sure bit.

Tuesday, June 1st, 1999 - DAY TWENTY-NINE
        Actually, that was about the Yearbook, and it was not my secret alone of course. I just didn't have anything to say. The yearbook, for all the problems they had this year, was phenomenal! But Greg and Sonya made one fatal mistake:
        Of all the grad write-ups you could have screwed up... you just had to pick Lauren Weir's!! Geez, you might as well have tied weights to your legs and jumped in the lake! You'll never hear the last of it now! After all those newspaper interviews... and I mean that was small stuff and you see how she was! hehe No, I really like Lauren and I truly appreciate her ability to raise hell... I just hope she doesn't kill you.

Monday, May 31st, 1999 - DAY TWENTY-EIGHT
        I know something you don't know...

Friday, May 28th, 1999 - DAY TWENTY-SEVEN
        Wow! I didn't know anyone paid attention to the "upcoming works" listings! Well, yes, I have put aside "Will's 'How To' III: Getting a Date for the Prom" in favor of "A List of Oxymorons".
        Some rumors have been going around in the last couple of weeks that me and Ross Long were going to take over the world. Well in all honesty let me say that we sure would, should the opportunity present itself.

Thursday, May 27th, 1999 - DAY TWENTY-SIX
        Zzzzzzz... mmph... no yearbooks until next week... mrgghh... I thought Mr. Frisen in downtown Altona said they were shipped out tuesday at midnight (monday night the way most would see it)... Mr. Frisen and his wife and three cats and holes in his walls in downtown Altona... Ahh? oggh... mff... Zzzzzzz...
WEBMASTER'S NOTE: "Downtown" Altona? Sounds like "downtown" Fall River.

Wednesday, May 26th, 1999 - DAY TWENTY-FIVE

Tuesday, May 25th, 1999 - DAY TWENTY-FOUR
        Ms. Rossong came back today! Yay!! Oh, and Council Meeting this morning was the usual hotbed of incompetency.

Friday, May 21st, 1999 - DAY TWENTY-THREE
        I had to pick up my uncle at the airport and take him to Sherbrooke... that kind of ate up the day, so I missed school.

Thursday, May 20th, 1999 - DAY TWENTY-TWO
        The dance was terrible. Bad karma, I suppose.

Wednesday, May 19th, 1999 - DAY TWENTY-ONE
        And the winners for Valedictorian and Graduating Class Executive:

        Graham Little

        Greg Baker

        Kelly Brien

        Jeremy Strong

Tuesday, May 18th, 1999 - DAY TWENTY
        The speeches for Valedictorian were today too! Here are the new Grade Reps:

Grade 11 Reps:
        Roy DeYoung
        Mike Ronaldson
        Jaclyn Saunders
        Jamie Taylor
        Mark Wolf

Grade 12 Reps:
        Ryan Cox
        Olivia Hasler
        Catherine Lutz
        Jon Saunders
        Ryan Slaney
        Steve Yorke

Monday, May 17th, 1999 - DAY NINETEEN
        Zzzzzzz... mmrggh... mmnf... what rumors? Ahh? ohgg... Zzzzzzz...

Friday, May 14th, 1999 - DAY EIGHTEEN

Thursday, May 13th, 1999 - DAY SEVENTEEN
        Now that I think about it, Mike Ronaldson probably didn't write that stuff in my guestbook... BUT the possibility exists and I have yet to hear from him. Oh well, let's talk about Graduating Class Executive now. Here are the candidates:

        Greg Baker
        Maha Markabi
        Angela Ritcey
        Lori Walsh

        Kendra Bernard
        Kelly Brien
        Paul O'Connell

        Melissa Couch
        Jennie Flanagan
        Jeremy Strong

Wednesday, May 12th, 1999 - DAY SIXTEEN
        Mike Ronaldson... gee, how can a creep like him run for Grade Rep?! This is what he wrote in my guestbook a while back:
mike ronaldson - 01/26/99 23:47:32
On a 1-10 scale, how's my site?: 3 you suck
How did you get here?: on your mom
If you go to CPA, what grade are you in?: 10 
What do you think of my 'harassment - no updates' policy?: harassment rules
Any requests for this site?: porn of your mom
please put your mom and my grilfriend (ashley killen) together nude, because they both give good head signed, skip.xoxo to your mom


        And then he puts up a poster saying "Tinky-Winky says vote for Mike", so you have to wonder if he's got a split personality or something... hehe. Yeah, I'm leaving this gb entry here until Mike tells me it wasn't him... and gives me an ip number to prove it. Until then, he's a creep in my book. Someday I'd like to meet his 'grilfriend' though!
        Oh, and the candidates for Valedictorian were finalized today! Here they are:

        Chris Dompierre*
        Tyson Hubley
        Victoria Keirstead
        Graham Little
        Mark Louch
        Marsha Lovett
        Christie Mason*
        Will Matheson
        Pardis Sobhani
                * - Chris and Christie are running together.

Tuesday, May 11th, 1999 - DAY FIFTEEN
        Boy, did I miss the show. Here's the breakdown on the grade rep candidates:

Grade 10 Reps: (G9's at BJH & GPV will vote for two, Tantalon students vote in only one)
        [[No information available at this time.]]

Grade 11 Reps: (G10's get to vote for five)
        Kris Castle
        Vanessa Cranston
        Roy DeYoung (incumbent)
        Josh Fee
        Erin Gertridge
        Meredith Hand
        Laura Johnson (incumbent)
        Jennifer Lewandowski (otherwise known as "Jen Lew")
        Shayan Lotfi
        David Louch (Mark's brother)
        Scott MacDonald
        Lisa McCloskey
        Alicia McNeil
        Tina Prinsenberg
        Leslie Ribeiro
        Mike Ronaldson
        Jaclyn Saunders (incumbent)
        Jennifer Sears
        Aimee Semel
        Jamie Taylor (incumbent)
        Matt Webber (BLASTO! man)
        Mark Wolf

Grade 12 Reps: (G11's get to vote for six, P means they ran for President, VP for Vice-President, S for Secretary and T for Treasurer)
        Alana Andrews
        Morgan Barkhouse
        Ryan Cox - P
        Mike Fox (involved with the Video Yearbook)
        Pamela Fricker
        Jillian Geddes - S
        Andrew Gill - T
        Chantal Gray
        Olivia Hasler (incumbent) - P
        Kristi Langille - T
        Catherine Lutz
        Adam Maher - VP
        Allan Ryan
        Jonathan Saunders (incumbent)
        Vanessa Scammell (the girl who told me I was going to fall off the stands)
        Ryan Slaney
        Meghan Woof-Mansfield (my second cousin)
        Steve Yorke

Monday, May 10th, 1999 - DAY FOURTEEN
        Had another medical appointment to keep, missed school and therefore any election news.

Friday, May 7th, 1999 - DAY THIRTEEN

Thursday, May 6th, 1999 - DAY TWELVE
        Big assembly today... but I'll talk about that another time. Oh, I'm running for Valedictorian now! This should be fun! =) But that's still a ways off, and the nomination deadline is next Wednesday so I'll talk more about that stuff then.

Wednesday, May 5th, 1999 - DAY ELEVEN
        I asked someone what they thought of yesterday's little joke, and I now realize I may have gone a little over the top. The Colorado issue is no laughing matter by anyone's standards... not that I thought that it was, I was just trying to invent a really inappropriate time for Angela to push more buttons. =) If anyone was offended, I apologize.
        Election news? Maybe in a few more days...

Tuesday, May 4th, 1999 - DAY TEN
        So how do you like my new digs? Fast, eh? Yep, I'm pretty happy with the place... I just wish I had a decent guestbook. Council Meeting this morning was funny... Jer brought in this neat pen that made guitar riff sounds and such... but Angela got a hold of it and so it was like:
        LISA: Well what do you think we should send to those children in Colorado?
        JEREMY: Maybe we'll send them a card with all our names on it.
        KELLY: That would be a great idea.
        BRIANNA: Well, it would have to be serious and somber...
        BRIAN M: Rrriiiggghhhttt....
        JAMIE: I think we should have a moment of silence about this.
        LISA: Good idea. Let's have a moment of silence.
        JEREMY: Give me thaatt!
        Next week I'll bring in a rubber dingle ball for her. She's easy to amuse.

Thursday, April 29th, 1999 - DAY NINE
        Half day! Yay! (Will is too busy in his vain attempt to find good remote cgi for a guestbook at Crosswinds to write any more.)

Wednesday, April 28th, 1999 - DAY EIGHT
        Yay! The Executive was elected today! Here it is, and I'd just like to say I'm incredibly happy with the results:

For President:
    Donna Safatti

For Vice-President:
    Brianna Courneya

For Secretary:
    Charlotte Jewer

For Treasurer:
    Jonathan Bathurst

        Grade rep elections should be coming along soon... and I'm going to keep this log going until even the Valedictorian / Graduating Class Executive elections are over as I have decided to run for Valedictorian. Guess I couldn't resist the chance to make a speech again! =)

Tuesday, April 27th, 1999 - DAY SEVEN
        I found out today how much people care for me. When we had Council meeting on the bleachers this morning, Mark Louch and I were sitting against the rails. So Vanessa Scammell said she wished we wouldn't sit like that because we'd fall off. She said it in a very nice way and on some level I think she was concerned for my welfare. =) Seriously, thanks Vanessa!
        Speeches were on today, too. The best one? Jill's speech for Secretary! It was like twenty seconds long! Sweet! =) Ryan's was the funniest, Donna and Tom had unique points of view, Brianna had her gameplan ready, and Jon had a neat hat. As for what they actually said... well poor Mike was having problems with the sound, so...
        In website news: Crosswinds has re-opened and I'll be moving over soon. And at this moment, Mr. Savage is telling me "you know what I said to your mom, no writing in your novella during class"... well I'd like to use the web to tell him... well, I can't say it here, can I? =)
        The vote is tomorrow! Grade 12's will have to vote during Lunch in Room 321... look, if you have enough energy to bitch about the Councilors, then you have enough to go vote! Leave a legacy! Please! I gotta stay here to get better math credits anyhow. =)

Monday, April 26th, 1999 - DAY SIX
        The big event tonight was the "Root Beer Fest", which was a blast. I was quite content to stay in coat check the entire evening, but I still heard lots of great music. I also heard The Mod Squad.
        The soda, however, sucked. It was so flat you could use it for carpentry. But we all got CPA beer mugs! I can just see myself... twenty years from now when I'm sitting alone in my shack by the river... all the memories of my high school success rushing to my head as I fill the mug up with moonshine. In a fit of rage, I grab my elephant gun and - hehe NO. =)

Friday, April 23rd, 1999 - DAY FIVE
        Sadly I was not at school today due to a medical appointment. Therefore, I have no idea what happened today in terms of the Election, but at this time I hear they're trying to get rid of a World War II bomb somewhere near the Mill Cove area here in Bedford... well, if it goes off we won't have to worry about bringing Bedford back to the Basin, the Basin will be coming back to Bedford! =) Actually, it's not a laughing matter as people were evacuated from the area and the nearby 24-hour Sobey's has been shut down... so people might actually go to the Bedford Place IGA to get groceries... well, I don't have that much imagination.
        On another issue, I'm seriously thinking of moving over to Crosswinds. I won't complain about GeoCities too much here, as they have been known to contact other free home page providers and coerce them to boot former GeoCities users off. What finally pushed me is the new 'idea' that I have to put GeoGuides at the top of every single one of my HTML files to avoid the ever-annoying GeoPops. This is insane! Did you know that since I give them about 150-200 'impressions' every fifteen days, they're making far far more money off of me than they would if I paid 'em US$4.95 a month for GeoPlus which has no ads... but still has the freaking GeoBrand. As said at another site I don't wish to risk linking to, "What do they think we are? Cattle?". Well the CEOs can blather about people not knowing this is a GeoCities page (although my former page title and non-cloaked V-3 would suggest otherwise!!) because I'm getting the heck out of here in a couple of weeks. will just point to where I eventually move, and I intend to leave some material and follow-through links on Athens/Academy/3549 when that happens. I can't say it's GeoProtest... besides the fact that someone already made a site like that (which I don't dare link to), GeoCities claimed it as their trademark every time they tried to move from server to server.
        My next issue is a moral issue. Although I requested the 'level two' GeoGuide ads (because I wanted to see more free speaking banners and the like), I don't appreciate the constant 'online casino' advertisement. I personally think gambling is wrong... (except when using real cards because that's very sporting and requires skill) and seeing big 'ol ads all over my page attracting my fellow high school students to internet gambling is just going too bloody far. And what's worse is that my fellow homesteaders have submitted ad banners for their own pages onto the GeoGuide Banner Exchange... but I sure as heck don't see too many!! These guys make big money off of people like me and yet do not showcase their own content!!
        And another thing: GeoCities never responds personally to anyone. If my site were removed, they'd just send me a note saying I was using this site for extra server space or as a front to sites beyond GeoCities. And I have sent them no less than two very mature and thought out letters... as I am sure others have done, and I haven't seen anything in the way of addressing complaints. They don't check member's pages much either, did you know that the 'best of GeoCities' thing that had something to do with the watermark was linking to X-rated illegal GeoCities pages? Hah! See, you can talk to the guys at Crosswinds, they even put pictures of their cat on their main site! =)

Thursday, April 22nd, 1999 - DAY FOUR
        Nothing new... nothing new... I personally had a pretty weird day, but I can't spill stuff like that onto an election log. And I have a doctors' appointment tomorrow, so there won't be anything new 'till Monday at least.

Wednesday, April 21st, 1999 - DAY THREE
        Some late-breaking news to bring to you... Adam Maher is now back in the race for Vice-President!! Way to go!! In other news, there are plans to bring the official CPA web page back to life! What a great day!!

Tuesday, April 20th, 1999 - DAY TWO
        I gotta stop all this crap eventually... ever notice that all I do here is make fun of people? It completely sucks. And even in real life, I rarely talk not to put someone else down... then I complain that I'm being made fun of. How utterly pathetic I am. I also have to watch what I say about others to whom... of course those things don't occur to me naturally, like they do with everyone else. I just hate myself. I know I shouldn't, but I do... anyway, on with the Election news: Turns out no posters are allowed in the Back Stairwell (Cafeteria/215/Council) because of some alarm sensors or something... hehehe... so, among other things/people, Ryan Cox had to move one of his long banners out of there... which would have been a good idea anyway, in my oft-heard opinion.
        Council meeting sucked again... and I'm the first to admit it's 75% my fault anyway, so why am I complaining about my counter-productive behavior?! Arghh... well, at least all this stuff gave me some great ideas for Sages of Time - Part Two: The New Age... which should elicit some emotional responses since it is largely an emotional chapter of the epic. Bye!

Monday, April 19th, 1999 - DAY ONE
        Posters, posters, posters... and they all, in my not-quite-humble opinion, as graphical displays of the vigor, courage, conviction, moral character, and overall good looks of our candidates, suck wastewater. =) Okay, I admit most were good, but they weren't memorable. No Austin Powers rip-offs, no "is this a popularity contest?", no "Vote 'Will' in '98, Gettin' Jiggy With It", no Mario Paint-esque X-Files, no "Top 10 Reasons to Vote 'Will' in '98", no Alpha Plan, no nothing. <sighs> I get the feeling this years elections are gonna be a sleeper.
        On the brighter side of things, there are a lot of talented, competent people running this year:

For President:
    Matthew Berry (a genius)
    Ryan Cox (a super guy who participates at a level above and beyond what is expected)
    Olivia Hasler (the lone incumbent)
    Donna Safatti (another female... this is great since we haven't had a female President for a LONG time!)

For Vice-President:
    Brianna Courneya (the serious and smart incumbent)
    Tom Drummey (the lone male)
    Adam Maher (the survivor!)
    Meghan Woof-Mansfield (my second cousin!!)

For Treasurer:
    Jonathan Bathurst (don't know him...)
    Andrew Gill (don't know him...)
    Kristi Langille (don't know her...)
    Jennifer Smith (don't know her... sounds like the Treasurer race is going to be mighty exciting!!)

For Secretary:
    Jillian Geddes (a super girl who is at our meetings like every week!)
    Charlotte Jewer (our "First Lady" by my warped definition...)

        Some odd details worth mentioning... Ms. MacKenzie kindly told me who was officially running (this list) last period today... to my sincere sadness I have received news that Adam Maher was not able to run for Vice-President... apparently he didn't pull as many strings as I did... =) ... this could be due to lack of time to get his affairs into order because of the crazy new schedule (in place due to a conflict with N-quadruple'S'-A). Trivia: If I were in grade 11 and running for VP this year with the same grades, teachers, and all, I would not be able to replicate my feat of running for VP last year. Yes, I said feat. Since     people all over CPA will be reading this, I can't go into too much more detail here... so we'll move onto another topic. NOTE: Adam Maher is now back in the race for VP. (April 21st)
        1999-2000, in all likelihood, will be the third year out of four I know of that females outnumber males on the Student's Council, and this year we may have a female president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary... a femme skriteg. For your reference, I present this handy male/female chart of past gender ratios:

          Year           Executive f/m          Total f/m
       1996 - 1997           3/1                  15/5
       1997 - 1998           1/3                   8/12
       1998 - 1999           2/2                  11/9
       1999 - 2000           8/5 (candidates)      ?/?

        And having women in positions of power, in my opinion, is a great thing. Guys suck. =) j/k

Friday, April 16th, 1999 - DAY MINUS ONE
        Got two more bits of inside information: Ryan Cox is running for President... he's a good guy, and he goes to Council meetings very often. Way to go, Ryan! And Charlotte Jewer (our current "First Lady" of sorts) is running for Secretary. Of course, I don't officially know anything, but Ms. MacKenzie is still busy checking up on grades due to the crazy new schedule.
        Come to Council meeting Tuesday morning... Lauren Weir plans to attend, and I will personally try to cram her onto our agenda if she's there. She wants to talk about Safe Grad... which should be interesting to say the least.

Thursday, April 15th, 1999 - DAY MINUS TWO
        I now know of two candidates for the upcoming elections... Allan Ryan for Grade 12 Rep, and of course Matt Webber for Grade 11 Rep. Wow, is that ever a long list... I miss being on the inside track of things. Had an English 'Reflection' due today, missed it by a country mile. Some suckers were doing a 'science assessment', good thing I wasn't there or I'd throw off the entire province in a totally bad way. ("What's with all these small numbers?! Heeyyy... so oil and water don't mix?!") Big Hawaiian dance tonight, too... according to Angela Ritcey, the first 450 people there get laid! =) okay, okay, leis... hehehe... Oh, and if you bring in the small amount of $250 in Loud Waterfowl Place Mall receipts, you get... a buck off admission! Ha-ha! Wee! But you ain't seen nothing yet... $500 gets you in for free! Woah! I'm gonna go shopping right now so I can get that discount! Maybe you'll even get laid! Now there's something to shout about! =) j/k ADD: And the music sucked, I don't care what anyone says... it SUCKED.

Wednesday, April 14th, 1999 - DAY MINUS THREE
        Found out about the dates and rules today... it seems they want to start the Executive campaign a week earlier this year. I don't know, but this new deadline caught me completely off-guard, if I was in Grade 11 and thinking of running, I wouldn't have the kind of time that I needed to get my grades in order... but then again, the rules are there to prevent people like me from running anyway! =)
        Some clarification: Even Grade-Rep candidates cannot have any failing grades on their Semester II Term I report card. I am sorry if I mislead anyone on this point. One thing is for certain, they were darn careful not to have any typos on the nomination forms this year!!

Executive Dates:
    Friday, April 16th, 1999 - Announcement / Notification (Candidates are either in or out by this date)
    Monday, April 19th, 1999 - Campaign officially begins... posters permitted.
    Tuesday, April 27th, 1999, 4:00pm - Campaign over... posters down.
    Tuesday, April 27th, 1999 - Speech **Wait a second! Last year the posters were down before the speeches!!**
    Wednesday, April 28th, 1999 - Election Day... all students can vote, by the way. I sure am going to.

GradeRep Dates:
    Friday, May 7th, 1999 - Announcement / Notification (...)
    Monday, May 10th, 1999 - Campaign begins.
    Tuesday, May 18th, 1999, 8:30am - Campaign ends.
    Wednesday, May 19th, 1999 - Election Day... G10's vote for G11-Reps, G11's for G12-Reps.

        I don't know what they have in mind by moving everything back a week... or that crazy 4:00pm deadline... either someone was asleep at the switch or this is all part of a new Master Plan (let's pray it isn't, but I wouldn't put it past them...). You'd think they'd move the Executive stuff back a week to slip in an extra week of Grade Rep campaigning... I mean, that's what they were complaining about last year!! Ah, the H-Word with it... =)

Tuesday, April 13th, 1999 - DAY MINUS FOUR
        Only four days left until the campaign! Gee, I can almost smell the duct tape! Council meeting this morning was a farce... I'm starting my log today because I saw the very first campaign 'poster'... a giant 'BLASTO!' thing for Matt Webber who is running for Grade 11 Rep. Good luck Matt, but from the looks of that 'poster', you might not need it! (It's not a violation of campaign regulations... the thing was in the Council Office.)
        As for the Council meeting, Angela Ritcey (Secretary) raised the issue of excessive campaign spending. Ha! This from the girl who got in by acclamation! =) And then a certain person whom we will identify as HyperCalifornian1 had the gall to score some cheap shots off of Shawn Ahmed's campaign last year! What a sore loser! =)
1 - Not his real name. His real name is Brian Haas.

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