I am an Information Technology student at Nova Scotia Community College, Institute of Technology Campus. I am engaged in my fourth and final semester, and I am concentrating in Programming. This single-page web application is a fourth-semester Rich Internet Applications project, and a subset of my standard portfolio (though it may someday take the place of the old one). Some of my courses are represented here, but if you want to see something from every course, check out the standard portfolio.
I am passionate about creativity and technology, and I aspire to be a visionary thinker and an authentic leader. Failing that, I'll try to be a professional larrikin.
I taught English and a few other subjects in the medium of English as an intern at a private bilingual grade school in Japan a few years ago. That experience gave me the determination to become Good at Something™. Then I want to take that Something and make something Amazing.
I love photography, though I'm just into it casually. I also love performing (especially theatre), and, since I'm an acknowledged technical genius, I'm also good at breaking other people's computers.
This course included creating a manual for how to upgrade hundreds of workstations. It's roughly what you'd need to know if you had a truck pull up to your company's recieving door with one working system and a whole bunch of parts. An extension of that was to make a video (for bonus points) describing how a processor is safely upgraded.
In this course we learned to create simple Windows programs in Visual Basic .NET using the IDE Visual Studio.
You can download my final project yourself and do whatever you like with it. (But please - no cheating on your homework. Do the stuff yourself or you're not going to learn anything.)
I exhibit here two of the five major deliverables from the course: A rational number caculator (the intent of the assingment was to show how to overload operators), and a ant/antlion simulaton (to exhibit inheritance, polymorphism, and dynamic casting). The executables buried in "Debug" might work straight away if you're on a recent version of Windows, but I'd reccomend recompiling from the source code.
The Antlions download includes some components from the Scrum project in Project Management (in which I worked with Ben Allen, Isaac Benoit, and Jamie Curnew).
This course was basically a PHP sweatshop in which we were locked in a computer lab and forced to work 20-hour days and sleep on lined-up workstation chairs.
I exhibit here two of the four major deliverables from the course: An employee-and-salary lookup table using ZEND Framework 1.12 and MySQL, and a simple, custom content management system I call EZ-CMS.
My projects regularly made use of Andrew Zhebrakov's "Blueberry Basic" icon set.
Here are some videos I made during my NSCC program, making up one of my YouTube playlists.
Once playback begins, you can click on the playlist button (lower-right as of this writing) and bring up the videos on the playlist. Alternatively, you can view the playlist on YouTube.
By mail: |
Will Matheson c/o Playboy Mansion 10236 Charing Cross Road Los Angeles CA 90024-1815 |
By e-mail:
... or, if you're feeling formal: |
w_matheson@willmatheson.com |