PS21 - Toronto I
January 17th, 2006: Toronto sketchings
"On Saturday night I went down to the neighbourhood of Islington & Lake Shore to meet Brooke and her boyfriend Nyron. Brooke has a beautiful new townhouse now. The three of us watched some anime before hitting the streets in search of a bar. We were in Polishtown, so it was cool to be able to read signs advertising private parties and their dates – the signs weren’t meant for the likes of us, and yet I could read them. We pulled into the one place that wasn’t hosting such a party..."
In Toronto, I stayed with my cousin Ruth-Ann and her son Alex, and I think we had quite a bit of fun. Here are some photos I took during my spare moments:
"Ruth-Ann's cat Flash is an aggressive male who knows no boundaries.
My first encounter with him had him drinking my white cranberry juice.
A few days later I cooked a mini-pizza and got on the phone; when I came
back I discovered he’d eaten all the toppings."
Getting ready to vote by mail-in ballot... there was a general
election on January 23rd, and I wasn't going to be back in my riding
in time.
I thought it was pretty cool that you got a generic write-in ballot.
It makes you feel like you're voting for a person instead of a party machine.
I... just thought this was funny. It's Alex in the picture. Does this
public information campaign work? Most definitely - I never once felt that
I was in any danger of contracting rabies from Alex.
At the Fox and Fiddle on Bloor, with Jolene:
City Hall, Toronto
Background: Toronto
City Hall
Walking home to Ruth-Ann's through South Leaside, I found a Travelall:
You just don't see the International
marque that often on private passenger vehicles.
Next stop: New York City!