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People - Places - Posters

This was the picture taken for my "required reading" poster. I'm not terribly fond of this poster because of its meanspritidness towards required reading, which I have nothing against at all. It's just a joke, really. View Original

This is Loyola 287, a student lounge. I don't spend nearly as much time there anymore, though; since I only have classes tuesdays and thursdays until January, I've been doing my reading and studying (ha!) at home.

This is a picture of the vending machine area in front of the Patrick Power Library. I'm in it for some odd reason. View Close

The Loyola Residence stands tall over the turf of Huskies Stadium; the tallest building on campus, and taller than any building in the entire province of Prince Edward Island. The Burke-Gaffney Observatory is the white round thing on top of it. At the moment, the entire building (well, level 3 and up, anyway) is closed to the public due to the fact that they're keeping the dead bodies of the old University President and his upper-level personal staff in there somewhere. Or they could just be doing renovations. You can see a smidgen of Vanier House over to the left.

It doesn't really save any time, but if you like you can walk from the Sobey Building clear over to the Science Building without having to step outside. More useful in the winter, I suppose. I haven't got tired of the skywalks yet, so I still use them quite a bit. Here we're in the Loyola Skywalk, coming from Loyola 2F and headed toward McNally South 1F.

This is what the thing looks like from the outside. You can see McNally South on the left, and Loyola on the right. Huskies Stadium is straight ahead from here, though you'll have to jump a fence.

Here you see the front of McNally Main. Through those huge wooden doors lie important places like the Student Accounts Department, the Registrar's Office, the Admissions Office, and all the offices related to the President and Board of Directors. This is where the decisions get made!

While heading down from the fourth floor of McNally North, I tripped and fell. Hanging from the railing at the landing above the third floor was not a pleasant experience. Fortunately Colin Dickson happened to be walking by, so he thoughtfully snapped a picture, then reached down to help me up. Thanks again, Colin.

Science 416: This was used in my "classroom" poster. My ENG204.1 (Intro Lit II - Prose & Fiction) class is in here. Needless to say, many heads turned after the flash went off.

My locker is off in a very lonely and quiet section of the University - the fifth floor of the Science Building. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one up there. See the locker second from the left on top with the lock on it? That would be my locker. C'mon up sometime and breathe in the lonely air. =)

Sobey 255: This room is just class! Also seen on my "classroom" poster (compared to Science 416). All the classrooms should be like this someday. Hey, I can dream, can't I? =) I have my AST215.1 (Sky and Planets) class in here, and next semester I get lucky again and I get to have my AST216.2 (Stars and Galaxies) class here too! These awesome lecture halls feature data progectors, really comfortable chairs (the kind you'd see behind office desks!), and hookups for your laptop (power and network cables) and a microphone as well. We're talking United Nations here! CPA Trivia: Yes, that is Mr. Aucoin teaching this zero-level or one-level math class (equivalent to a high school course). Does he teach at CPA anymore? I snapped this on a school day, I think.

It's not quite as nice as the Loyola Skywalk, but it does the job. Right now we're headed from McNally North 3F to Science 3F.

It doesn't look much nicer from the outside, either.

This is a picture of the front doors of the beautiful Sobey building, taken from the Loyola Skywalk. In keeping with University logic, the main doors are on the second floor. (Don't get me started on the different wings and floors of McNally!) The Sobey building and the Sobey Faculty of Commerce bear the same name, so it makes sense that the building houses mostly commerce classes. Ugh... money.

The inside of the building features open mezzanines and skylights. Also, there are no incandescent light bulbs in the building, just those white-lights that look natural. It's pretty cool. We're looking from the second floor up to the fourth floor.

This didn't turn out quite like I had in mind, but it still worked, which it couldn't have without two nameless and faceless volunteers. Right now we're out on the turf of Huskies Stadium, albeit far away from the action. The Tower fitness complex is in the background, which houses an extensive louge area that you can see to your right. A close-up version of this picture was used on my "ear to the ground" poster. View Close - View Really Close