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PS12 - Water!

Some pictures I took back when that huge flood hit Halifax earlier this year.

The Hammonds Plains Road, closed. This meant that people on the other side of this new pond had to go through Kearney Lake or Lucasville to get to Bedford or Sackville or even just onto the 102.

Sploosh! it goes against the bus.

Saint Mary's got a little waterlogged, too.

When I walked back home from the bus stop that night, I found the road still blocked off.

This doesn't have anything to do with the flooding, but I like how the falling water looks. This was taken in the underpass of the 102/213 interchange in Bedford (which I walk under every time I go out, putting myself in direct peril of a pigeon dropping to the head... it hasn't happened yet, but I've had a few near-misses).

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