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PS11 - Greenwich

Related video: Greenwich - A simple 360ยบ-pan of the shore portion of the Greenwich Dunes Trail at Prince Edward Island National Park. [:20, 320 x 240 QuickTime (MOV), 3.9M, with audio]

Highway 313, connecting the Greenwich section of Prince Edward Island National Park with Highway 16 and St. Peter's. It's in need of an upgrade.

We've already seen the interpretive centre, so we'll just fly past it at 90 km/h.

One of the fishing villages on the south side of St. Peter's Bay.

From left to right: Laurie Collishaw (Ross' wife), Ross Collishaw (first cousin once removed).

From left to right: Shirley MacClure (aunt), William Matheson (self). I'm much better off standing next to Aunt Shirley than Ross, so as not to look so much like the runt of the family.

From left to right: Shane MacClure (uncle), Shirley MacClure (aunt).

The lookoff at the end of the Greenwich Dunes Trail. This is one of the many photos I took that didn't get framed quite right because the optical viewfinder that I used instead of the LCD screen (in the hopes of saving precious battery power) didn't remain in sync with what the lens was pointing at (and I imagine this compounded with the problem that without the LCD it was impossible to tell if I moved the camera away too soon after pressing the shutter - by far the most annoying requirement of digital photography). Since then I've used the LCD exclusively, but I guess I needed this photographic disaster to teach me the lesson. I lost dozens of great shots on this excursion - for instance, when Ross and Laurie used the optical viewfinder (as per stupid me's directions) to take a picture of Aunt Shirley and I seated on a boardwalk bench, what actually got shot were the boardwalk planks and the shadows of our legs. Needless to say, I was quite diappointed when it finally occoured to me to go over what I shot, and I deleted a lot of pictures as soon as I got back to the van.

By now I've become aware of the problem, so we're back to my standard, boring "65% sky" method of framing.

The clouds came up for the trip back, and it rained a little.

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