PS7 - Miscellaneous
"Hi!" If the sun weren't in my eyes, and the wind not blowing my hair,
I might actually look nice. Ironically, I used this as a personal photo
on a dating / personals site, but along with two better ones. I remember
sitting across from Aunt Shirley, trying to make a nice smile. It's impossible!
Yeah, this is just me being my nice-guy self.
Ah! This is where the work gets done! The
CPA Revolution, Sages of Time One
Two and Three,
and parts of The Artifact (and
numerous shorter works) all were composed on this machine, my Uncle Shane's
AST Advantage! Pro 486DX/33. That's a Clan Matheson mousepad you
see there; I took it home with me. =)
Here comes the boat!
Run for your lives!
Zoom! I mean, the thing really moves, coming into port.
Whew, it's safe. They've docked now.
They also do a late-night crossing.